KOL Information

[ Please fill in the correct information ]

Info Details
Name Akahilz
TG handle @Akahilz
Social Links (Twitter, Kick, etc) https://linktr.ee/akahilzportfolio
TRC20 or ERC20 wallet address (for rewards 🎉) TY6dQUeo7RD37Jv4x92zrAMeLVBMbTZFQP

What is your MoonClub TRC20 wallet address?

What is your MoonClub ERC20 wallet address?

What device will you use for testing?

<aside> 💡 Example:

**[OPTIONAL] Please provide the country and region where you are beta testing. If you're using a VPN, please provide the location of where you're connected to when beta testing.

<aside> 💡 Reasoning: We found that the loading speed of some KOLs visiting our website is relatively slow, so we may need to do some targeted access optimization in this area.

