(Mikeyboxx) BETA Testing Feedback

KOL Information

Info Details
Name Mickeyboxx
TG handle @DJ_MikeyBoxx

What device will you use for testing?

<aside> 💡 Example:


If there are any new questions please update them here.

<aside> 💡 Write your feedback here. Please attach it along with the relevant screenshots & screen-recordings.

For reference, here's an example feedback done by us. Velocity: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wJYOcSdFpUGU5DqOiFW8Owpzt_xx7_Pb/view Lennon: https://warp-spoon-fad.notion.site/Lennon-b386851926c6423fae5947f10fc453f4?pvs=4

To be eligible for the 50 USDT reward, you need to write constructive feedback.



Problems have been taken care of and we'll update here, every two weeks updates.

Updated on 2023.12.23

